Delta Gamma

Beta Epsilon Chapter at American University

Delta Gamma has been on American University's campus since 1936 and represents a sisterhood that fosters friendship, thrives on individuality, promotes leadership, encourages academics, celebrates inclusion, champions equity, and prioritizes service.

Women who join Delta Gamma at American University recognize the value of being a part of something greater than themselves. New members are warmly welcomed into a close-knit sisterhood that cultivates support and friendship throughout their college years. Graduates are thankful to DG for introducing them to their cheerleaders and best friends and ultimately allowing them to find their most authentic selves in college. Delta Gamma understands that a sorority can have a different meaning for every individual. Thus, we support all our sister's endeavors inside and outside Greek life.

At the end of the day, we work hard, play hard, and are committed to our saying, "do good," both on campus and in the greater Washington, DC community.


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